Join Aussie Elite Group as an Artist

Welcome to the Join Page on AT2 for Aussie Elite.
AT2 is a tool we use to market you online and ensure you are exposed to the major clients nationally.
Please input the code you were provided below to authorise you to set up your free account under Aussie Elite.
If looking to upgrade, we recommend the 'Multimedia package as a minimum' as it allows you the full marketing package of images, comp card, video, audio, skills, resume, profile statistics and more.
Regards, the Aussie Elite Team.

Agency Code

Your agency requires a specific ID Code which verifies that they are officially representing you. Please check with them if you are unsure.

Let’s start with the Basics

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Security Information

Include a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols to make your password more secure. *

Contact Details


Artist Type

I am an (Default type or Primary type):